2024 snapshots
2024 snapshots ×××
Welcome to 2024 Snapshots!
This gallery might be my favorite page on the entire website—a vibrant collection of over 300 photos capturing the bursts of creativity, unfinished projects, color obsessions, and quiet moments that have shaped my year in art.
As I scrolled through my 2024 camera roll, I was lit up by everything I saw—the experiments, the style shifts, the unexpected moments of inspiration. It’s a true reflection of my creative journey, from the tiniest sparks of ideas to the paths I explored (and sometimes abandoned).
Sharing these feels exciting, like opening a window into the real, unfiltered process of making art. These are the snapshots I wouldn’t normally think to post on social media, but they feel so alive and full of possibility that I couldn’t keep them to myself.
Take a scroll through the gallery and see what resonates. I hope it inspires you to embrace the beauty of experimentation, the joy of unfinished work, and the thrill of creating just for the love of it.