The One Where I can barely contain my excitement
February 21, 2025
A direct line from my art table to your inbox—where creativity, connection, and a little chaos collide.
I’m keeping this one short and sweet because I have to get back to prepping for Monday.
What’s Monday, you ask?
Oh, just the day the BB BASH REGISTRATION OPENS! 😱🎉 Yes, you read that right—doors open Monday, and I’m so excited I could pee my pants. But I won’t—because that would take time, and I really need to get back to getting things ready. 😉
•New on the blog:
60 Days of Morning Pages
(& counting!)—the unexpected habit that turned me into a morning person(??!!).
•BB Bash Details: Registration opens MONDAY. Mark your calendars, set an alarm, write it on your forehead—I don’t want you to miss it!
•Foam Stamps Release Date: It’s coming next Friday, and yes, I’ll finally spill the details!
•Something new in the studio: I’ve been making some things and I’m obsessed. Can’t wait to show you.
60 Days of Morning Pages (& Counting!)
For years, I was convinced I just wasn’t built for mornings. No routine, no trick, no amount of willpower ever seemed to change that. But 60 days ago, something shifted—something as simple as writing morning pages—and now I wake up before my alarm (willingly!) and actually enjoy my mornings.
I know. I wouldn’t have believed it either. But it’s made a bigger impact than I ever expected, and in ways I never saw coming. 😆
I wrote all about it on the blog— keep reading here

I hesitate to even share this with you, because I KNOW you’re going to be just as over the moon about it as I am. You’re going to want to talk about it, learn it, love it, and obsess over it just like I am. But here’s the thing—I already told you, I do not have time right now. I have to keep reminding you (or, let’s be real, myself) to stay on track. So for now, you’ll have to settle for a little sneak peek and let your curiosity simmer. Click on play button to see a 30 second video →
Oh, and speaking of studio experiments, I’m here to officially declare that it’s not hoarding if you see ✨potential.✨ Okay, maybe don’t quote me on that when your family stages an intervention for all your collections, but you get what I mean.
I save everything. Even the tiniest scraps, because all I see are possibilities. Case in point: I’ve been saving the little punched-out circles from a three-hole punch. (Yes, the ones from binder paper or spiral notebook binding—because obviously, I love making those too.) And yes, I’ve been asked, “…what are you going to do with those?” accompanied by that look. You know the one. The one that questions if I’ve finally gone mad.
But then—the idea hits. That rush of dopamine, that moment of excitement when your brain goes, “…wait. This could actually work. Let’s try it and find out.” And sometimes, that idea hits days later. Sometimes it’s months. And sometimes, you hold onto something for years before the lightbulb moment finally arrives.
And this time? I strung them like beads. Tiny punched-out paper circles, transformed into texture and dimension. And it’s just as amazing as I imagined.
Yes, it’s a bit of a tedious activity—not for the faint of heart. But I have to say, I love those slow, repetitive processes. There’s something soothing about it.
And would you look at that—that leads us perfectly into BB Bash. (I swear, I didn’t even plan that.) But you won’t be surprised to hear that Repetition is one of this year’s BB Bash prompts. 😉
Yes, this Monday. As in, so soon that I am quite literally buzzing with excitement (and possibly fueled by too much coffee, but that’s beside the point).
Come Monday, expect me back in your inbox with all the details and, most importantly, the link to register. Because trust me, you do not want to miss this. So you probably don't have to set reminders; I'll be your reminder 😉
If you're new around here, the BB Bash is for mixed media artists, beginners, and creatives who want to let go of perfection, embrace play, and explore new techniques through a FREE 14-day interactive experience filled with live calls, prompts, and hands-on art-making!
The BB Bash is shaping up to be something truly special this year, and I cannot wait to welcome you in. But for now? I must return to my mountain of prep work. Stay tuned. Monday’s the day! 🔥✨
Oh, and one more thing—my foam stamp designs with Joggles drop next Friday, February 28th! 🎉
I don’t have the link for you just yet, but you can expect it in my next broadcast of The BB Connection on the 28th. And fun fact? You’ll actually see these stamps in action during BB Bash because I’ve been using them in the video tutorials!
P.S. I swear I thought this was going to be short and sweet… but then my excitement took over. Oops. 😆
TL;DR for My Skim-Readers:
•BB Bash registration opens MONDAY! Expect an email from me with all the details.
•New blog post:
60 Days of Morning Pages
& how I (somehow) became a morning person.
•Foam stamps drop February 28th—link coming in my next broadcast!
•Studio update: tiny hole-punch scraps turned into texture magic
(scroll up for photos)
🚀 The waitlist is NOW OPEN for my annual 12-week masterclass! Join the waitlist for the BB Art Journals Masterclass now—doors open at the end of April! Join The Waitlist