Intuitive Art Journaling: No Rules, Just Play


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of having to work on a single journal spread from beginning to end? I’ve been there! It’s time to let go of the pressure and just play.


Today I’m working in one of my Fringe Flip Books. I’m working a little bit differently - instead of working on one journal spread from beginning to end, I wanted to share with you my process for working intuitively. I’ll be jumping around pages and adding snippets here and there. This style of creating is great when the idea of having to finish and put together a cohesive spread is overwhelming.

I’m pulling from my scraps and focusing on those beginning layers, reminding myself that the goal isn’t to finish pages—it’s to enjoy the process.

Grab your art journal and let’s get into it! And if you want to create your own Fringe Flip Book, I offer this class for free. Snag your spot now and learn to create a fringe-tastic journal from beginning to end!


Start with What Inspires You

First things first—grab what calls to you. Seriously, don’t overthink it. Pull out those pieces that spark excitement. Whether it’s that scrap of paper you’ve been saving or a piece of fabric that’s too lovely to toss, gather them up. The beauty of this process is that it’s not about getting it “right.” It’s about starting where you are, with what you have.


The Beauty of Imperfection

Spoiler alert: perfection doesn’t exist. It’s a made-up concept that only serves to bind our creativity. Instead, I want you to embrace the mess, the imperfections, and the happy accidents.

When you’re working on those initial layers in your journal, remind yourself that nothing has to be final. This isn’t about creating a masterpiece on the first go. It’s about laying down the foundation, letting the process guide you, and allowing yourself the freedom to make mistakes. The layers you create might get covered up later, and that’s okay. What matters is that you’re giving yourself the space to create without constraints.


Working in Multiple Layers

Here’s something I’ve been exploring lately—working on multiple pages at once. Instead of focusing on finishing one spread, why not allow yourself to jump around? When you let go of the need to complete a page from start to finish, you free yourself up to play with different elements, textures, and ideas.

This approach not only keeps things fresh and exciting, but it also helps you avoid overthinking. If you’re not feeling inspired by one page, flip to another and start layering there. Use leftover paint, random marks, or bits of collage to create a base. It’s all about setting yourself up for future inspiration.

The Power of a Limited Color Palette

Now, let’s chat about color. If you’re like me, you might feel a little overwhelmed by too many options. That’s why I often stick to a limited color palette—it helps me focus and keeps the anxiety at bay. For this project, I’m vibing with black, white, and neutral tones, but don’t let that limit you.

If bright colors make your heart happy, go wild! The key is to find a color scheme that feels natural to you and works with your creative process. Remember, this is your journal, your safe space to explore and express. Choose what makes you feel confident and inspired.


Trust the Process and Let Go

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to trust the process. Let go of the need to control every outcome and allow your creativity to guide you. This isn’t about creating something perfect—it’s about enjoying the act of creating.

When you work intuitively, without a rigid plan, you open yourself up to all kinds of possibilities. You might discover new techniques, develop your style, or simply find joy in the process. And that’s what art journaling is all about—playing, experimenting, and finding your unique creative voice.

I’d love to hear about your creative journey. Do you prefer working on one page at a time, or do you like to jump around? For me, it all depends on my mood and how I’m feeling that day! There is no right or wrong 🖤


xx Brooke


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