Jump into the world of art journaling

Join me for the {FREE}
Play Along Journal Series on YouTube


I am beyond thrilled to introduce you all to my new YouTube series, the Play Along Journal Series. It's a free class series that will be hosted on my YouTube channel. The aim of this series is to provide inspiration as I work inside two handmade art journals!


Scroll to bottom of post for list of videos & blog posts ↓


One of the things that often comes up when people see my journals is curiosity about how to actually use them. So, I decided to give you an inside look at my process and offer you the opportunity to play along with me.

My goal with the Play Along Journal is not to provide strict guidelines but to inspire and create a supportive community of artists. We all have different skill levels and unique ways of approaching art. That's the beauty of it—there's no one right way! I encourage you to take your own inspiration from the videos and let your creativity run wild.


Share your work using the hashtag #BBHenryPlayAlong and let's showcase our art and learn from each other. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, with limited supplies or an extensive collection, there's a place for you in the Play Along Journal experience. So, are you ready to dive into the world of creativity and self-expression? Join me on this exciting journey, and let's discover our unique art styles together.

Remember, there's no pressure to buy specific art supplies; it's about exploring what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's embark on this artistic adventure together!


xx Brooke


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