Big Wins Aren't All That Matters
Why Focusing Only on Big Wins Isn’t Always Constructive
We’ve all seen it—the highlight reels, the big announcements, the flashy successes that flood our feeds. And while celebrating those monumental wins is important, there’s a downside: it makes us feel like what we’re doing isn’t enough.
Here’s the truth, my friend: those big wins? They don’t happen in isolation. They’re built on the small, daily steps—the ones that don’t always make it to Instagram but matter just as much (if not more).
Let’s talk about why the small wins of 2024 deserve just as much love as the big ones.
Keep reading to:
hear about my BIG wins
learn why I’m even more proud of my small wins
get 10 reasons why small wins are so vital
view a selection of photos from my 2024 Snapshots
leave a comment telling me your “biggest” small win of this past year
Big Wins Are Great
Let’s not pretend that big wins aren’t worth celebrating—they absolutely are. In fact, I’ve got a few of my own from this year:
I hosted the BB Bash for the first time and facilitated creativity for 3,000 people.
I launched my annual 12-week masterclass for the 2nd time, guiding close to 200 students through a process that helped them return to play in their art practice and create stunning journals.
I made connections and traveled to art retreats.
I published close to 50 videos and tutorials on YouTube.
I released a new course that helps students actually use the supplies that are in their stash.
I also released a new BB mini course, but sort of forgot to tell people about it.
These were huge milestones for me, and I’m grateful for every single one. But here’s the thing: none of these would’ve happened without the little wins that came first.
Small Wins Lead to Big Wins
The small wins? They’re the unsung heroes of any success story. Without them, those big accomplishments would’ve stayed dreams.
Here are a few of my small wins from 2024:
Taking time to reflect: Whether it was a quick moment or a full journaling session, I paused to notice what was or wasn’t working.
Trying something new: Even when fear whispered "stay safe," I leaned into curiosity.
Finding rhythms that fit: I built routines that felt good—and gave myself grace to adjust when they didn’t.
Showing up, even imperfectly: On the tough days, I reminded myself that progress doesn’t need to be perfect.
Listening to my body: I let myself rest without guilt, stepping back when I needed to recharge.
Connecting with others: From small conversations to bigger events, I carved out time to nurture relationships.
Simplifying the chaos: I set up systems to help my future self feel less overwhelmed.
These moments may not have made headlines, but they were the foundation for everything I achieved this year.
Want to see all of my 2024 snapshots? Check out the photos that tell the story of my art practice and growth through the past year
You might not be convinced yet, so here’s a list of 10 reasons why small, daily wins mean so much →
10 Reasons Why Small Wins Matter
They keep the ball rolling: Tiny steps build momentum for bigger things.
They help us stick with it: Small successes remind us to keep showing up.
They make goals feel doable: Breaking things down makes the big picture less intimidating.
They boost confidence: Small wins prove we’re capable, one step at a time.
They anchor us in the present: Focusing on now quiets the noise of “what if” and “what’s next.”
They keep comparison in check: Looking at our progress grounds us in our journey.
They spark gratitude: Noticing small victories reminds us to appreciate the process.
They create motivation: Progress feels good, and that keeps us going.
They build resilience: On tough days, small wins remind us we’re still moving forward.
They’re where the magic happens: Life is made up of small, steady steps—not just big milestones.
Don’t Let Comparison Rob You of Your Accomplishments
It’s easy to fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking—of believing that if we’re not hitting big milestones, we’re failing. But friend, those small wins? They’re everything.
The big moments will come, but they’ll always be built on the small, unglamorous, consistent steps you take every day. So, let’s celebrate those little victories, shall we?
Because when we focus on the small wins, we give ourselves permission to grow without pressure. To create without comparison. To simply be.
Here’s to honoring the journey—one small win at a time.
Tell me in the comments … what’s a small win from the past year that you’re proud of?