Luscious Landscape of Pink Dreams - 5 Minute Challenge - "Landscape" Prompt

5 Minute Art Challenge - Day 10 - Prompt: Landscape
hosted by: The Ugly Art Club

landscape, fabric, sewing, mixed media, texture, challenge, pink and orange, quilting, collage, art marks, innovation, cohesive design, layering, inspiration, color scheme, paper elements, pink, abstract landscape, art challenge, bb henry art

Day 10 of the Ugly Art Club's 5-minute Challenge, and the prompt was "landscape." I have to say, this one is definitely a favorite of mine. As I dove into creating my piece, I found that my passion for sewing and quilting, as well as my love for paper and mixed media, melded together in this project. Ask yourself what if and just go with it, and in the end, if it doesn't work out, it's only 5 minutes of wasted time. And, you know what? We'll probably be learning something in the process!


Watch my take ⟶


I challenged myself to work quickly and intuitively, and this time limit pushed me to react faster and not overthink the possibilities. Working with fabric and paper in this way was so much fun, if you're new to using fabric in art, don't be intimidated! It's all about finding creative ways to integrate various elements to build texture and dimension. My biggest suggestion if you're new to working with the sewing machine is just to take it slow. In the end, you may be scared that you're going to hurt the machine, but I promise it can withstand a whole lot. So play around and experiment!

landscape, fabric, sewing, mixed media, texture, challenge, pink and orange, quilting, collage, art marks, innovation, cohesive design, layering, inspiration, color scheme, paper elements, pink, abstract landscape, art challenge, bb henry art
landscape, fabric, sewing, mixed media, texture, challenge, pink and orange, quilting, collage, art marks, innovation, cohesive design, layering, inspiration, color scheme, paper elements, pink, abstract landscape, art challenge, bb henry art

xx Brooke


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landscape, fabric, sewing, mixed media, texture, challenge, pink and orange, quilting, collage, art marks, innovation, cohesive design, layering, inspiration, color scheme, paper elements, pink, abstract landscape, art challenge, bb henry art