Balloon Energy


February 7, 2025

A direct line from my art table to your inbox—where creativity, connection, and a little chaos collide.

In this email, you'll read about:

✓ My energy roller coaster 🎢
✓ Filming that's taking place in the studio 🎥
✓ An upcoming product collaboration 👭
✓ Items still in the shop 🛒

I think it’s safe to say I’m officially in my busy season!

I like to picture my energy like a balloon—slowly filling with air, growing larger with each inhale. A slow and steady build-up. Then, when it reaches its fullest, it’s released, bursting high into the sky, soaring before eventually drifting back down. Sometimes, it starts refilling right away; other times, it rests before beginning again.

For years, I tried to fight this natural rhythm my body so easily slipped into, thinking something was wrong with me. The cycles of hyper-productivity followed by deep rest felt inconsistent, like I should be able to maintain a steady stream of energy year-round. But through experience and challenging seasons, I’ve learned to trust this ebb and flow rather than resist it. My energy isn’t something to control—it’s something to understand. Now, it feels like an old friend, the kind you can exchange a knowing glance with across the room and instantly be on the same page.

Instead of forcing myself into an unsustainable pace, I plan for these natural swings. Right now, my balloon is steadily filling, growing larger as I prepare for my biggest events of the year—BB Bash and the BB Art Journals Masterclass.


This week, I have been filming content for The BB Bash! It has been so much fun to dive into the prompts and the exercises. It makes me so excited to think about how you will interpret them and the amazing work you'll create when the time comes! I've set time aside through the weekend to keep filming and get all of the lessons recorded, next week comes the editing. I'll be soaking in as much of the play as possible because I know next couple of weeks I'll be sitting behind the computer screen editing away! (The unseen side of being a full-time artist - it's not usually making art all day. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.)

This year, along with the free version of the Bash, I'm offering an upgrade option called BB Bash Beyond. I've been so excited about this that I keep thinking of more things to include! Today, I'll be filming a bonus video on how I find and collect art marks to save for inspiration 😍


I've kept it under wraps, but I can't hold it in any longer... I've designed a series of foam stamps with Joggles, and they will be released later this month! 🙌🏼 I can't get enough of them - I'm obsessed! Once I have official info, you'll be the first to know! For now, I hope you're satisfied with a little sneak peek 👀

A few of the new items I added last week are left in the shop

Click on the photo to be taken to the shop listing

1162+1 1118+-+yellow+&+gray 1135+1 1124+1+IMG_8518 IMG_1070 1146+1 IMG_6343 1159+2 1126+1+IMG_8540 1167+1 1151+2 1141+1 1087+-+purple+&+green 1155+4 1137+1 1129+1+IMG_8576 1085+-+pink+&+green IMG_1111 1161+2 1094+-+burgundy+&+b+w 1147+1 1130+1+IMG_8585 1157+1 1142+1 1158+1 1086+-+coral+&+b+w 1132+1+IMG_8605 1144+1 1136+1 1084+-+chartreuse+&+b+w

Here are the bullet points in case you are a skim reader 😉

✓ Filming that's taking place in the studio 🎥 - BB BASH LESSONS & BB BASH BEYOND BONUSES
✓ An upcoming product collaboration 👭- FOAM STAMPS W/ JOGGLES COMING SOON
✓ Items still in the shop 🛒 - A FEW NOTEBOOKS, POUCHES, AND BUTTONS LEFT

** This email contains affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase from a link**


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