Word(s) of the year


January 31, 2025

A direct line from my art table to your inbox—where creativity, connection, and a little chaos collide.

In this email you'll read about:

βœ“ My words of focus for the year πŸ“
βœ“ Properly naming this email πŸ“§
βœ“ A "Creative Mindset" Tip πŸ’‘
βœ“ The countdown timer that is nearing 0... ⏳

It’s taken some time, but I’ve finally decided on my word(s) of the year! I know what you’re probably thinking - “BB, we all did this a month ago! You’re a bit behind!”

I know, I know. But I was hesitant to lock in too early. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a new year, setting big goals and making bold declarations before we’ve even had time to settle into the rhythm of things. I wanted to be intentional about this - giving myself space to reflect, rather than rushing into commitments that might not actually align with what I need.

One of my biggest struggles? Picking just one word. I’ve always found it hard to narrow things down because I’m drawn to so many different ideas, paths, and creative directions. But I also knew that if I picked too many, they’d lose their impact - if everything is a priority, nothing really is.

After sitting with it for a while, I kept coming back to two words:


β€’β€’β€’ connection + consistency β€’β€’β€’


These words feel deeply relevant to me right now - both in looking back at what has shaped me and in looking forward to where I want to grow. I want to foster deeper connection with all of you, making my work feel even more personal and meaningful. And I’ve been reminded time and time again that small, steady actions—consistency—are what lead to real, lasting progress.

It’s so easy to slip into old habits (or, let’s be real, a lack of habits). But this year, I’m making a conscious effort to keep these two words at the forefront of everything I do.

As you may have noticed at the top of this email, I gave my "newsletter" a name - The BB Connection. And also a little tagline: "A direct line from my art table to your inbox—where creativity, connection, and a little chaos collide." I'm pretty excited about it. I think it encompasses my intentions for these emails. 🩷

I've also been adding in a few sections that I plan to rotate between. The first was "In The Studio" (click here to read last weeks email if you missed it) and now I'm introducing a new section called "Creative Mindset." 

Creative Mindset will include things like:

• Thoughts on mindset shifts that support creativity.

• Overcoming artistic struggles, self-doubt, or perfectionism.

• Gentle reminders about mental well-being for artists.

• Tips for staying inspired and enjoying the process.


Get The BB Connection Broadcasts sent directly to your inbox! Subscribe now β†’


Have you been feeling stuck?

It might be because you’re waiting for big blocks of time to create. But creativity thrives in small pockets—five minutes, ten minutes, whatever you can grab. Take the time you have, and you’ll start to find even more of it. Watch video clip 

 This is why you are stuck w play button

You don't have to be patient for much longer...

Countdown to Feb 1, 2025 10:00am

When this timer reaches 0 0 0 0 it means that new items have been added to my shop!

At Saturday, February 1st at 10 am CDT new spiral notebooks, quilted pouches, and fabric-covered buttons will be added to the shop!

To receive a reminder email 15 minutes before, please click here. 

Here's a little preview →

All products are handmade by me so there will be very limited quantities.


What do you think of the new name and tagline? Just comment down below and let me know! 


Here are the bullet points in case you are a skim reader πŸ˜‰

βœ“ My words of focus for the year πŸ“ - CONNECTION + CONSISTENCY
βœ“ Properly naming this email πŸ“§ - INTRODUCING THE BB CONNECTION
βœ“ A "Creative Mindset" Tip πŸ’‘- SMALL POCKETS OF TIME ARE KEY
βœ“ The countdown timer that is nearing 0... ⏳- NEW HANDMADE ITEMS ADDED TO SHOP

This post was a newsletter that I sent out to my email list!

Want to receive the next one straight to your inbox? Join my list now!