Frozen… The Dangers of Perfectionism
In this post you'll find:
✓ The ongoing struggle of perfectionistic tendencies 😖
✓ How I want to throw out the rule book for my new class series 🤷🏻♀️
✓ A poll - I could really use your opinion 🗳️
✓ BTS look at BB Bash 2025 👀
✓ Photos from my studio time this week 🎨
There are a lot of things that I want to tell you about this week. And instead of writing, I've been sitting here getting in my own way.
My desire to "get it right" and be "perfect" is blocking my way to the finish line. This is a good reminder for me (and maybe you, too) that our perfectionistic tendencies often don't serve us. The fear of not being "perfect" often causes us to freeze - resulting in us taking no action at all! We are all works in progress, and combating perfectionism is not a one-and-done task. It's an ongoing, continual process.
The best way to break down the hold that perfectionism holds on us is to be gentle with ourselves and focus on baby steps. Giant leaps are overrated. The risk often feels too great, which causes us to freeze. Plus, small steps are so much easier to course-correct. As we take each small step, we gain the confidence that we are headed in the right direction, and the path in front of us becomes so much more clear.
So, this is me moving past all of the things that I think an "email newsletter" should be and getting into all of the exciting things I've been working on this week!
BB Bash 2025 Behind-The-Scenes
I shared to my Instagram Stories this week a behind-the-scenes look at The BB Bash 2025 coming to life! You can see that sneak peek here.
BB Minis - A New Class Series
I’ve already released one class in this series, and I’m loving the concept. These will be classes that are designed for you to take action straight away, ideally using what you already have on hand! Enjoying the process is one of the biggest things I focus on when teaching my students, but for these classes, that’s not the only goal. These are designed to have a finished “product” in a relatively short time. I’m talking about a Saturday spent cozied up in your studio. Or an easy project to work on in the evenings.
We'll be honing in on a specific project rather than exploring all of the possibilities. (if you’ve been part of my more extensive classes, you know that I love asking “what if” and diving into all the avenues of play.) While I can’t help myself and will be giving you plenty of inspiration and ideas - my goal is to keep the lessons easily consumable. The goal is not for you to have to watch countless hours before you can get started and get your feet wet. I want to help you achieve a win and feel accomplished and confident in a short amount of time.
In my Instagram Stories, I asked for opinions. (I uploaded the stories here if you want to watch.) My desire is to get the BB Minis into your hands as quickly as possible after inspiration strikes me and I record the videos.Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the "business side" of being a full-time artist that offers classes - is the admin that goes on behind the scenes. And I don't know about you, but if I stare at a computer screen for too long my excitement for the idea begins to slowly wear off.
I'm toying around with the idea of keeping everything around BB Mini classes EASY. Which essentially would mean the inspiration contained inside of the class could get into your hands sooner. It means a "simple" or less detailed sales page. It also means a smaller price tag for you. (The first one has a super mini price tag, only $19, btw). I can see myself putting out way more of these if the "non-art tasks" are kept to a minimum.
So you tell me…
Are more BB Mini's something that you're interested in??
Your thoughts would be super valuable to me!
Leave a comment down below, and tell me what you think!
Click YES if you love the concept - and are craving more focused, actionable lessons.
Click INDIFFERENT if you think the idea is fine, but it doesn't really appeal to you.
Click NO if you prefer more in-depth classes that take you on a transformational journey.
There are no wrong answers here. And in the end, I'll do what I feel is right. But I'm eager to hear what you think!
I'm excited to show you what I've been working on this week! I realized how many boxes I had lying around the studio because, of course, I’m going to save it if “ohh that’s a good box” 📦 (I know I’m not the only box hoarder out there 😉) I saw this one and was inspired to alter it! Check it out →
I shared more over on Instagram! If you want to see more, check out my three most recent reels →