Creating Art Tags for Your Art Journal

Play Along Journal Series Week 8 Part 2


For me, one of the biggest perks to working in a handmade journal or creating your own handmade journals is you can make all the pages different sizes. You get such a fun, organic feeling to your pages that they don't all have to be uniform and the same.

I'll let you in on a little secret: these art tags I’m adding to these journals add a touch of creativity to my pages and serve as convenient placeholders or little works of art in themselves.

I’m always moving a tag from one page to another because the colors don’t quite mesh. This is a perfect example of how art journals allow us to change our minds and experiment freely.

Play Along Journal Series, art journals, tag, pocket, collage, black and white, scraps, cardstock, stencil, gesso, fabric, binding tape, hand stitching, texture, art tags, handmade journal, thread, yarn, textiles, mixed media, bb henry art
Play Along Journal Series, art journals, tag, pocket, collage, black and white, scraps, cardstock, stencil, gesso, fabric, binding tape, hand stitching, texture, art tags, handmade journal, thread, yarn, textiles, mixed media, bb henry art

Go ahead and let your imagination run wild. Customize your own tags, experiment with different techniques, and enjoy the artistic journey as you add these elements to your journals. Happy creating!


Want to see all of the posts/videos for the Play Along Journal Series? Click here


xx Brooke


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