Days 1-10 of the 100 Day Project 2024


The day is here, the start of another 100 day project!

100 days can feel quite daunting, but I think it’s important to keep something in mind. Your art practice should be more than just checking it off your list. It should be something that you truly enjoy and look forward to! At least that’s how I look at it.


Here are a few things that I’m giving myself permission to do and not feel guilty for (my perfectionistic tendencies take over sometimes and tell me that things have to be done a very specific way).

I give myself permission to post as much or as little as I want to. It’s okay if I don’t share everyday.
• I give myself permission to batch create! I work best this way.
• I give myself permission to take a day off when needed. It’s okay to catch up or fall behind.
• I give myself permission to find joy in every cluster I create. If I’m not feeling it, I don’t need to force myself.

I encourage all of you to give yourself permission to do (or not do) this project however it works best for you.

There are many ways to reach the finish line - your way may not look like the artist next to you.


This will be my 3rd year and I’m continuing on with the same theme #100daysofcollageclustersbybbhenry - I’m excited to see how my style evolves from year 1 to the end of year 3.


Make it work for you. It’s meant to be fun! Comment and let me know if you are participating!