Creative Problem Solving & Persistence - "Slots" Prompt - 5 Minute Challenge

5 Minute Art Challenge - Day 3 - Prompt: Slots
hosted by: The Ugly Art Club

slots, creative problem solving, frustration, acrylic inks, mixed media, art marks, 5-minute challenge, prompt, black gesso, collage, complementary spread, pivot, individuality, BB Henry Art, Brooke Henry

Today's creative journey for Day 3 of the Ugly Art Club's 5-minute challenge is a “slots” prompt! Sometimes, things don't go according to plan, and that's okay. I encountered some hiccups along the way, like working with wet acrylic inks in a time crunch and using thin paper with black gesso, which made slot punching a bit challenging. I took it as a gentle reminder that creating rarely goes as planned, and to embrace the beauty in unexpected outcomes. When I'm doing the 5 minute prompts or I have a timer, I tend to work with my fingers a lot more just because it's the closest supply that I have at hand, and it makes it really easy.


Watch my take ⟶


Each creative challenge teaches me something new and helps me grow as an artist. Keep experimenting, keep problem-solving, and remember that every artistic journey is a valuable learning experience. Allow yourself the freedom to pivot and experiment with new techniques, if you can work on that creative problem solving and getting each page to a place that you're happy with, then that's a good goal.

slots, creative problem solving, frustration, acrylic inks, mixed media, art marks, 5-minute challenge, prompt, black gesso, collage, complementary spread, pivot, individuality, BB Henry Art, Brooke Henry
slots, creative problem solving, frustration, acrylic inks, mixed media, art marks, 5-minute challenge, prompt, black gesso, collage, complementary spread, pivot, individuality, BB Henry Art, Brooke Henry

xx Brooke


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